
Hi, I'm Grammapaint dba Grammapaint's Endeavors hoping to make the world a less messy place by reducing/reusing/and recycling people's mess here on earth. I like to mix the things with God's ingredients like flowers, animals, and friendly spirits.


What's New?

Babies and seedlings are always new and I am not Serious I am Roebuck, so who is tending the store? - Maybe if I ever took time to tend the store, I wouldn't always be so cash poor, but "I don't give a damn about a green back dollar, spend it fast as I can" like the song from back in the day says. Mostly on my God forsaken Kia Sportage that is a WI salted roads Rolls Connardly. Rolls down one hill, can hardly roll up the next. OOPPS the bottom dropped out of it when I achieved my goal to get to Eugene OR 4/2011. I lived in it three plus years trying to leave WI and now have joined www.mindfreedom.org here to repair my destroyed life in WI due to their mental health system.